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The Shi Shows
Established 1983
Held at the Shield Stables and Stud
Charlton Road, Charlton Village,
Shepperton, Middlesex, TW17 0SJ
The Shield Shows
Dates for 2014
Horse Shows: Sundays June 22, August 31, October 12
Dog Shows: Saturdays June 21 and October 11
Please see links above to schedules.
The Shield Horse and Dog Shows are aimed especially at novice riders and handlers. We do not encourage "pot huntering" but genuinely welcome those who want to enjoy showing their animals at grass routes levels. If your dog, horse or pony has been a winner at county or championship levels, please do not bring them to the Shield Shows.
Judges are chosen for their ability to put competitors at ease and for their willingness to advise if asked. However they may only have all round knowledge and may not know your own breed in detail. Purists are recommended to show their dogs, horses and ponies under breed specialists.
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